Monday, January 18, 2010

@rchiTECTURE vs. @rchiTORTURE

Have we ever thought or contemplated on the whole notion of Architecture ?

Architecture has been commonly defined as a fusion between the Art and Science. Personally, I believe that Architecture SHOULD BE defined as an 'Art of Adaptation' ...
It has been an art that unified the need of mankind, responded to their social, climate and surrounding contexts ...

Over the yearS, we have seen the evolution of Architecture ...
From the Great Master of Poetic Architecture, Sir Frank Llyod Wright, the Functional Architecture of Le Corbusier, Social Architecture of Herman Hertzberger, Political Architecture of Jorn Utzon, Expressive Architecture of Herzog De Meuron and of course not forgetting the local Green Architecture of Ken Yeang ...

Globalization ... Industrialization ... Technology ... Sustainability ... Green ...
These big words are becoming some of the main vocabularies used to describe Architecture a.k.a. BUILDINGS.

In recent days, Architects are often asked to 'design' building that is similar to ONE that the Clients have seen in Country XYZ ...
Massive + Boxy Steel Structure Buildings (fast track and cost-saving) are emerging, mimicking the building typology of Factory / Warehouse for mass production ...
Local Design Guidelines or Building Compliances ...
Computer 3-D Modeling Softwares have facilitated and are gradually replacing the ORIGINAL designing 'tools' (pen, pencils, butter paper, T-Ruler, set squares) ...

Presumably, most of the Architects will reach to this important crossroad of self-reflection and start to wonder if we are on the right track of producing ArchiTECTURE or ArchiTORTURE ?



It's again the time of the year for VERITAS-ians to identify yet another hotspot in KL to 'terrorize' for their @nnu@l dinner. The hotspot to be 'terrorize-d' for this year is the BORNEO B@RUK CLUB, Jalan Kia Peng !

Let's have a brief enlightenment on what normally takes place during VERITAS-ians' @nnu@l dinner.

Familiar faces (including Principals, Associates and other fellow Colleagues) will creatively come out with some 'gadgets' or costumes to 'connect' with the THEME set by the Management. The best dressed male & female will be VOTED. All the efforts taken to 'decorate' themselves will then be rewarded handsomely.
Then, there'll be the normal lucky draw sessions (yes, we also would like to take this opportunity to extend our appreciation to all the sponsors) ...
Once a while, we will have some all-time favourite treats; like dangdut-dance, break / brake dance, slow-dance, ROMANTIC-dance and of course, last year's surprising BHANGRA-dance that most of us who have attended could hardly forget.

Cutting the story short, we could only summarize the event in ONE sentence, "The @nnu@l dinner always gone CRAZY and WILD at an un-controllable rate."
Well, it's a norm perhaps ? What do you expect when you squeeze a bunch of non-squarish-thinking people from creative line into an architectural space ?

So, this then brings us back to this year's theme, RAIN FOREST WORLD MUSIC (TRIBAL) NITE ... OOooooohhh ... tough one, huh ? We shall keep our eyes open and see what's going to happen by then ...

For info, The event will take place on 23 January 2010 @ BORNEO B@RUK CLUB (BBC), 6.30pm.

VERITAS-ians ... it's time to reveal your VERITAS-ness ONCE AGAIN !!! Let's TERRORIZE ...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

An Idea for 2010

Ideas for the world? Pour quoi non! Por qué no! Warum nicht! Perché no! почему нет! Kenapa tidak! 为什么不!வி நாட்! Why not!

Let’s promote Veritas more widely to the public/ clients/ students by creating Veritas Design Group Gallery, a space where we can install/ display all our previous projects’ models, presentation boards, videos and etc. Show our ideas, educate our ideas to the world..

This gallery shall be the place for clients to value our work, appreciate our designs and for the students to have their ‘lawatan sambil belajar’ to explore more about architecture, planning, landscape architecture, interior design and quantity surveying - anytime, any day (they don’t have to wait until there’s an exhibition event!).

Imagine this..

Image extract from internet

I feel that all the models shouldn’t be sitting in the office where they can only be seen by Veritasians!

Who knows, maybe we will be the first design firm to have its own gallery in Malaysia.. probably in the world!

Persian Gulf Sea City, Kish Island, Iran Veritas Planning

LCCT Competition, Sepang, Malaysia, Veritas Global

Friday, January 8, 2010

i.d.e.a.s. for the WORLD

Dear VERITASians,

Welcome to 2010, and welcome back to the office for an exciting new year!

Firstly, I would like to thank all VERITASians who have made last year a success with our hard work, dedication and loyalty. I am so proud of all of us. Despite the challenging economic situation in the world and in Malaysia, we managed not only to survive but to achieve many great things as well. I am especially proud that all the VERITAS companies secured many new projects in 2009 that will ensure our growth and continued achievement this year. With all our efforts, 2010 may end up being the best year in VERITAS’ history!

This year will also see the launch of a new VERITAS corporate theme…. "i.d.e.a.s for the WORLD!" This theme, which is based on our core values, will reinforce our identity as an international design firm, and unlike past themes it will remain in place for at least 5 years. I hope that we will all embrace this theme in our everyday lives by working harder/smarter, improving our technical/language skills, meeting international standards of design and generally being more knowledgeable/open to foreign cultures and experiences.

Lastly, I want to personally express my gratitude to all VERITASians for your support and encouragement for me as CEO of VERITAS Design Group. I look forward to building a successful career and a great company together with all of you in the years to come.

David M. Hashim
4 January, 2010